

We recognize that seeking to be anti-racist begins by honestly acknowledging where we are at in the journey.  

So, here we go.

Our church is mostly white, highly-educated, middle to middle-upper class.

We are on a journey to learn, listen and take actionable steps towards anti-racism.  We realize we have a long journey ahead of us.

A few ways our community is engaging around the Black Lives Matter movement include:


We have a list of recommended books, films, and podcasts, as well as monthly discussion groups, where we can do our work as white people to learn about systemic racism. Find the list of recommended resources here, or email us at for more info about our monthly discussion group. 


Although our church demographic is mainly white, we are learning to listen to friends, co-workers, & family members who are Black.  We aim to listen more than talk in order to deeply hear stories from our friends of color. 


We are working towards diversifying our giving to include local black leaders, organizations and businesses. Find a list of local black owned businesses that you can support here. Find a list of some of the organizations that we give to here.

Actionable Steps

Each person in our church has unique spheres of influence, so we are encouraging people in our community to respond according to their life stage, opportunities and resources.  This includes participating in protests, volunteering, using our voices on social media, participating in children's book clubs, & engaging in policy reform, among other ways. We were proud to be on of the local churches that participated in this open letter to the  African American community in which our collective churches resolved to "preach, teach and advocate against the sins of racism."

We realize these are small steps in a long journey but we are committed to keep walking this road.  Hopefully as we learn, listen and take actionable steps we can do our part to develop sustainable anti-racists allies, systems and communities.